Annette here for the Scrapbook Blessings Club and I am featuring here today a wonderful creation which I found recently in the Cardmaking Magazine.
There are full instructions on how to make this Diva Doll but I have made mine with a twist.
This is the Doll which was featured by the Magazine and created by master sculptor Greg Sukendro :-
- This is my interpretation where I utilized Greg Sukendro's Honeycomb Pattern plus the body pattern (but I have made some slight amendments to the patterns to suit my own Diva Doll):-
- As you can see I have created my Diva Doll with a Sherri Ann Baldy's My Besties Head only. The first Diva is Wedding Doll My Besties and the second Doll is Besties Digi Image No. IMG031
- (Picture No. 1) ~ So to create I firstly choose my Image which I would like to use the Head only I then cut My Besties head choice out very neatly.
- (Picture No. 2) ~ Using my Copic Markers I color in the Face and Hair and at the same time I use my Body Template and cut out the upper body and I just color the area of the skin which will be seen on the Diva only, I do not color the areas which are hidden
- (Picture No. 3) ~ My next step is to choose my colors for the Honeycomb ~ I am using 80gsm Dark Aqua Blue and 80gsm Light Aqua Blue
- (Picture No. 4) ~ Using the lower large Skirt Pattern I cut out 18 Skirt Panels in the dark Aqua all right side up and I then mark the pattern glue lines all right side up
- (Picture No. 5 & 6) ~ I then cut 17 Light Aqua lower Skirt Panels and mark the Glue Lines ~ I found it easier to pop a large paper clip on the skirt panels to keep them aligned and when I mark the top panel with a pencil the indentation mark will show up on the one underneath that way you have your guide, most important is not to mix up the two different pattern lines, only work on one skirt panel at a time as you will see the Dark Aqua Glue Lines are in a different position to the Glue Lines on the Light Aqua Pattern
- (Picture No. 7) ~ Before gluing the skirts panels, I have used my Mixed Media light brown ink pad to the edges of the front of the skirt ~ I found it easier to do this prior to gluing
- (Picture No. 8) ~ Using a good quality Blue Glue I then run the glue pen along the marked lines on the Dark Aqua Skirt Panels, then I place the Light Blue Aqua Skirt panel on top keeping them all face side up (make sure you place these very carefully not to move or smudge the glue, this is very important for your end results when opening the Honeycomb up) ~ once you have your next panel on, glue the glue lines and keep rotating alternatively each colour gluing until you get to the last panel ~ leave the skirt now for the glue to completely dry
- (Picture No. 9) ~ Repeat number 8 for the upper skirt panels
- (Picture No. 10) ~ Cut out the Skirt on a good strong quality paper. I have used 220gsm Quill Stationery Paper to support my Honeycomb. I have also cut out from the 220gsm an additional body tapering it in so it cannot be seen behind the upper body which I have colored with my Copics. I join them all together with strong sticky tape plus I also use a Paddle Pop Stick for extra support so the Doll does not bend over and it keeps my doll upright and straight.
- (Picture No. 11) ~ I then use double sided adhesive tape taping both outside panels of the Skirt plus I place double sided adhesive tape to the skirt panel also.
- (Picture No. 12) ~ I then position the skirt panels in the centre of support template and fold one side out and stick it down and then repeat with the other side. At this point it is a good idea to attach your upper body and Corset before attaching the upper body Honeycomb as the body and Corset will sit under the Honeycomb and will give a much better finish. Once you have attached the upper body and the upper Skirt Honeycombe you can attach the head and hat and decorate to your own choice adding Ribbons/Flowers etc.
Thank you for visiting my Diva Doll Tutorial today and I hope you have enjoyed this project.
For any questions you may like to ask, please leave in the comments section and I will endeavour to respond as soon as possible.
I hope you can also join us at our Scrapbook Blessings Club and be blessed with this Tutorial.
As always, any comments are very much appreciated.
Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful day.
Hope you have a blessed day and thanks for stopping by,

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